Number of Peaks Climbed |
2 |
Peaks Climbed |
Giant and Seward |
Peak Height Ranks |
12 and 24 |
Trailed / Trailess Peaks |
1 / 1 |
Peak Numbers |
28 and 29 |
Total Elevation Gain |
7167 feet |
10 October 2008
Dulles to Burlington: We decided to try something new
on this trip. In order to avoid two long days of driving, we
booked a flight from Dulles International to Burlington, NH. We
had a
relatively early flight. At least, it was early
in D.C. For the first time, Kristy's Grandmother and her Aunt
Cheryl watched our daughter, Rachel (aged 5 months at this
point), while we headed off on the adventure. Aunt Cheryl
dropped us off in the morning and we bid farewell to her and
Rachel. Our flight out lifted off at 0745 and we landed at
LaGuardia at 0900. The second leg of our trip lifted off at 1045 and landed at Burlington at
1200. There was a small amount of confusion (read: delay) at
Burlington International while we figured out that we had to
call the car rental company to get a ride to our car. Finally,
off and running at about 1245 we arrived at Lake Champlain at
about 1315 and didn't have terribly long to wait before the ferry
arrived and we headed off across the lake to New York State.
A brief digression. Lake Champlain is a perfectly lovely lake.
We even have some very nice pictures of Lake Champlain and
Canada beyond from some of the summits in the Adirondacks.
However, Sen. Patrick Leahy, of Vermont, once tried to have Lake
Champlain declared a Great Lake in the 1990's in order to cash
in on some government grants for Great Lakes research. Again,
don't get me wrong, Lake Champlain is a perfectly lovely lake.
But I grew up in Michigan, and one thing that Lake Champlain is
not is a Great Lake. Here's a clue for you Sen. Leahy:
if you can stand on one shore and can see the opposite shore -
not a Great Lake!
Charlotte-Essex Ferry:
Given that Lake Champlain is
not a Great Lake, the ferry ride
was over quite quickly (in my swimming days I probably could
have crossed it (about 2 miles) swimming (no flip-turns!) in
less than two hours) and we were back on
the road at about 1345.
Our original plans were to hike in to the Ward Brook Lean-To
area that afternoon, summit
Seward, Donaldson, and Emmons on 11 October, and summit Seymour
and hike back out on 12 October. But we were making such good time
and had had such fruitful trips in the past that I started
getting a little greedy. Seward, Donaldson, and Emmons were so
close together (speaking from our previous experience with
mostly target rich, trailed peaks) that I didn't think there was
any way we couldn't get them all in one day. Also, there was
Seymour out there that we knew was going to have to be done
separately. So here was my new plan: we'd avoided Giant to this
point, but again, had gotten cocky with our previous trips that
resulted in high peak counts. We were getting a bit of a late
start to the day, but Giant and Rocky Peak (the trail to which
branches off of the trail up Giant about 1/4 mile from Giant's
summit) were such relatively short hikes that I was convinced
we'd knock them both off with no problem. Then we'd hike in to
Ward Brook and start working the Seward range. So off we headed for St.
Hubert's and the trail head for Giant and started up the trail
at about 1345.
Giant and Rocky Peak: Did I say
up the trail?
Boy is that right! It wasn't insanely steep, but it started
immediately and with remarkably little variation the whole way
up. The average grade was 15% and it probably stayed within
about 2% of that for almost the entire hike up with very brief
reprieves. At 2.8 miles we reached the branch point
for the trail off to Rocky Peak. We were still moving pretty
good and didn't even bother to check the time. Up we went and
after a total hike of just under 3 miles we were at the summit.
The view was beautiful. But why was the Sun so low in the sky?
Oh yeah! It's October! Doh! We'd reached the peak at about
1500, which was really quite good time, but we were looking
at about two more hours of good hiking time, max, left in the
day. We'd hiked at night
before (
Trip #06) so weren't as averse to the idea as we were during earlier trips. but as a rule I still only want to do
terminal night hikes. Night hikes that put us at the car
with no mountains between us and home are one thing. A night hike when we
plan to hit the trail again at or before the crack of dawn is
not on my list of reasonable, responsible, of fun
activities. Perhaps that'll change with time.
We really debated making the attempt, anyways. We'd just been
burned by missing Blake on
Trip #05, so I really didn't want to
leave Rocky Peak hanging out there - especially since we'd have
to reclimb 95% of Giant in order to get back to Rocky Peak! But
the guy who was sitting up on Giant and our own cooler heads
prevailed - so down to the car we went. The guy up on the peak,
by the way, had just hiked Giant for the second time. He had
finished the 46 a while back, but had climbed Rocky Peak and
Giant that day to remember a friend he'd lost and who had
climbed many peaks with him.
Money Shots: Giant Mountain (28) - Summit
2008-10-10 15:00 EDT
Down the Mountain:
Heading back down, we reached the branch off to Rocky Peak again
at about 1515. We looked longingly at Rocky Peak for several
minutes still before giving up. We estimated that we could get to Rocky Peak in about an hour and back again in another hour. That would make it 1715 and back. But,
oh yeah, it's October! Doh! It's beautiful weather for hiking.
It's beautiful scenery with the fall colors, but it's miserable
as far as daylight goes! It would be really dark at about 1730.
We toyed with the idea of being a half hour further down the
mountain before it was dark and just making our way down, but
there had in fact been several open rock faces with sheer and
high ledges along the trail on the way up. They were not at all
narrow (many feet across, in fact) but we really were certain
that it was unwise to attempt those at night with such little
familiarity of the trail. Before we started down again our
companion from the peak came down. He stopped and waited for us
to continue - and took a rare picture of the two of us together. He waited while we started down and caught up with
us again after a mile or so. He then passed us, but was always
only just far enough ahead of us that I infrequently caught
glimpses of him or heard him scramble down a rock in the obscured
terrain ahead. For about half an hour I entertained the
possibility that were were doing a good job of keeping up with
him. Soon after I began to doubt that. With about a mile left to
the trail head and when the trail finally turned over from
frequent rock scrambles to simply steep rocky path he rapidly
disappeared. It's now quite clear that he was not only concerned
that we'd make the unwise choice of heading off to Rocky Peak
that late in the day, but that he was also concerned we'd be
caught in relatively treacherous terrain after dark. Once he was
assured we'd gotten through the worst of the trail and would
certainly reach the trailhead at or shortly after dark he was
gone like a shot. Don't get me wrong. We're not slackers by any
stretch of the imagination. We do pretty good. But we do pretty
good for novices. In fact, I'd put us near the top of the pack
for novices. But we can't hold a candle to serious hikers. And
this guy almost doubled his speed when he decided he was free
That having been said, we did 6 miles round trip at a 15% grade in about 4
hours (including time on the peak) and that's nothing to sneeze at!
Within about 1/4 miles of the trailhead Kristy had to don her
headlamp. My night vision is a bit better and I was only
starting to decide I really had to put on my headlamp as we came
out on Route 73 and the car.
Kristy and Merrick at the trail branch off to Rocky Peak - with
Rocky Peak taunting us in the background.
Trail's End Inn: We went into town to find a room and there was
no room at the inn! So we ended up a little off the beaten path
at Trail's End Inn. It was a perfectly nice place, but it was more than a
little pricey. Pricey is not terrible - but wholly unexpected
when you have to share a bath with the other guests! And what
else do you get for the cost? A continental breakfast, served
promptly at 0600. Not particularly useful when you plan to hit
the road at 0500 so that you can get to the trailhead before the
crack of dawn.
11 October 2008
Ward Brook Trail: We were up at 0500 and on the road shortly
thereafter. We probably hit the trailhead at 0600 and were
making remarkably good progress by the time the sun came up.
It's about 4-1/2 miles to the beginning of the herd path for
Seward and because it's very flat and a well worn trail we
easily did that in much less than 2 hours. The herd path is well
beaten and the trail in general was not too hard to follow. I'm
sorry if this is getting a little old, but man was this a steep
trail! The total hiked distance from the beginning of the
trailhead to the peak of Seward is a little over 2 miles. The
pitch of trail is (nerd alert!) remarkably parabolic, with an
average grade of a little over 5% for the first mile increasing
steadily to an average grade of over 20% for the last mile. It
just keeps getting more and more brutal the whole way up. The
path also, helpfully, becomes more and more rugged the whole way
up, and can be a little difficult to follow at times. but we
were never in fear of losing the trail. We just spent a minute
or two exploring alternatives two or three times.
But, and here's the rub, the generally poor trail conditions
(and did I mention that the going was quite muddy?) meant that
we didn't summit Seward until about 1245. So, from the
beginning of the herd path to the peak had taken us almost 6
hours, or a little less than half a mile an hour. In retrospect,
this is not a terrible pace for Seward. The grade is quite steep
and the trail is quite rough. But what that actually meant
is that if we were to head back to the trail head now we'd
likely arrive at about 1630-1700. That pretty much meant that,
like Rocky Peak the day before, we weren't going to get up
either Donaldson or Emmons. What a depressing turn of events! We
were leaving Rocky Peak as an orphan for sure, and although
Donaldson and Emmons weren't strictly countable as orphans (they
really can be considered a separate hike from Seward) we were
getting only two peaks in the amount of time we'd originally
scheduled to get four! Had we camped in the Ward Brook Lean-To
area a VERY LONG day could have probably have gotten us both
Donaldson and Emmons. That would have been 10 October hike in,
11 October for the Seward Range, and 12 October out. And a MUCH
more fruitful trip. We'd only have had to return to the Ward
Brook Lean-To area for Seymour (probably only a day hike - a
VERY LONG day hike!) and would be have Giant left, but on a day
that probably would have left plenty of time for Rocky Peak.
Lessons learned...
Money Shots: Seward (29) - Summit
2008-10-11 12:45 EDT
Trail's End:
So down the mountain we went. I had developed some sort of pain
in my leg. Perhaps I twisted it funny, perhaps I'd bruised
something, but in any event, shortly after starting down,
bending my leg in a particular direction caused fairly
excruciating pain. I was able to alter my movement sufficiently to
keep the pain well within bearable limits, but it did effect our
pace. We still made it down in about the same amount of time it
took to get up the peak, so we did hit the herd path trailhead
at about 1630. By then, however, given the work of the
previous two days and the pain in my leg we opted to continue
out to the car and call it a trip. Our flight out of Burlington
was at
(1400? - checking this) the next day, so we
had plenty of time to hike out in the morning and make the ferry
back to catch the flight, but we were muddy enough and beat
enough that we just weren't up for spending the night in a tent
getting more sore before the hike out. We were expecting a two
hour hike out with about half an hour in the dark, but the trail
was so flat and we were heading to the car, so out we went. Sure
enough, night fell before reaching the car. Poor Kristy had
blisters on her feet and her knees were bothering her, but I
wanted out so I kept pushing. We hit the car about 1900 - what a site for sore
Back to Burlington: Wow. We're out. And who wants to spend the
night in that ridiculously expensive inn again? And we still had just enough time to make the last ferry - if we made good
time. So off we flew and wouldn't you know it - only two minor
turn-arounds heading to Essex and we were at the dock in time for the last
ferry! Our luck appeared to be turning around. A nice hotel room in Burlington, a hot shower, and a hot
meal were really starting to sound good! Too good...
Burlington on Columbus Day (Eve): Did I mention this was Columbus Day
Weekend? We'd made it a habit of hiking the Adirondacks around
Columbus Day in part because of the amazing hiking weather and since it's Kristy's birthday. Big deal, right?
Well, and who knew, Columbus Day weekend is the busiest tourist
weekend of the entire year in Burlington. Everyone, apparently,
comes to see the leaves! So we drove up and down main street
stopping at every single hotel looking for
This time there really was no room at the inn! Finally, around midnight, we simply gave up. Kristy spotted a
KOA campground and we pulled in, got cleaned up in the public
showers, and headed off to find food. Food was sounding really
good. Too good!
12 October 2008
This is Burlington, after all. We drove from fast food
restaurant to fast food restaurant and they were all closed. So
we finally found a 24 hour gas station with gas station food and
filled the gas tank, bought marginally edible food, and headed
off to Enterprise to drop off the car.
Enterprise: Arriving at Enterprise at about 0100 we noticed
that the sign on the door said they closed at midnight! Argh!
What wasn't going to go against us on this trip? Frustrated that
if I'd given up on trying to find a hotel earlier we could have
made it to Enterprise by midnight I had become resigned to our
apparent fate. There were still people in the Enterprise office,
but I figured they were cleaning up, doing paperwork, etc. After all, the sign
said they'd closed at midnight. So I called a cab and started
cleaning up the car, planning to drop the keys in the after
hours box. So after we'd cleaned up and gathered all of our
equipment together I went to drop our keys in the after hours
box at the door. At this point one of the people inside came out
to ask if he could help us. I commented that I'd have liked to
check the car in and catch a ride to the airport, but since we'd
missed the closing time we'd called a cab. "But we're still
open," he said. "But your sign says you're closed at midnight",
I said. "Yeah, we should change that," he replied, "we're open
until 2 AM." It was, of course, at exactly this time that the
cab showed up. So I gave the cabby ten bucks for her trouble,
checked the car in, and we were shuttled off to the airport.
Burlington Airport: Of course, this is Burlington. So
the airport has been closed for hours. The doors are open, but
other than cleaning and minimal security staff everything else
is shut down. So we found some seats, plopped ourselves down,
ate a well deserved but undeservedly bad meal, and settled in
for the night - planning to put ourselves on standby for the
0700 flight back to D.C.
Burlington to DC: Morning comes, I ask to be put on standby, and it costs $100 per
ticket! Apparently, the flight immediately before our booked
flight and any flight after could be put on standby for free, but since this was
two flights before our scheduled flight, pay the man. OK. You
know what I did. After all of that it was cheap at the cost to
end up at home in the early afternoon as opposed to evening. So
on the flight we went, and we were back in D.C. pretty early.
Foster's Grill: Aunt Cheryl picked us up at the airport
again and we were home and in and out of the shower in a flash.
Of course, this is Sunday, and Kristy's birthday, and everyone
wants to celebrate. We're certainly not prepared for anything
elaborate, so we take everyone to Foster's Grill, one of our
favorites since Lance at our previous job introduced us to it.
Next trip: ???
Child stats: Rachel - 5 months
Epilogue: Not much to add. We added another orphan to our
seemingly growing list. The flight was a definite improvement in
that I'd hate to imagine 20-24 hours of driving on top of what we
did, but one thing we know for absolutely sure:
no more October
hikes! June and July, thank you very much. Two October hikes
have resulted in two orphans which certainly wouldn't have
occurred on longer days of the year. But we're still knocking
the peaks off...